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Streamlined Workflow Management

A platform designed to optimize workflows and reduce time spent on inefficient communication


Helped MONDIA, a small elevator business, create a workflow management platform to streamline task management, reduce manual work, and minimize communication inefficiencies, ultimately boosting productivity.


MONDIA's manual processes for work assignment and management caused time-consuming tasks, frequent check-ins, and a higher risk of human error. Miscommunications and inefficiencies led to assignment errors and reduced productivity, showing the need for a more efficient system.


We developed and launched a workflow management platform that streamlines task assignment and tracking, synchronizes statuses in real-time, reduces admin tasks, and improves visibility into work processes. This enhances accuracy and minimizes redundant communication.


September - December 2018
February - March 2024


1 Business Associate
1 Administrative Manager
1 Product Designer
2 Developers


User research
User testing


The platform improved operational efficiency at MONDIA by streamlining workflows and providing real-time status updates. This reduced miscommunications, errors, and delays while boosting productivity. Employees now spend less time on admin tasks, allowing them to focus on their core responsibilities, creating a more organized and efficient work environment.



Allow technicians to report task status and access task records directly from their mobile devices

Backend System

Allow administrative staff to create, assign tasks, and track task status efficiently
Identify business goals
During the initial meetings with the client, we gained an understanding of their needs. As a traditional company, their administrative operations were heavily reliant on manual processes, which were not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. To address these challenges, they wanted to develop a digital platform aimed at streamlining their processes, reducing errors, and enhancing overall productivity. To measure the platform's success in achieving these objectives, we identified the following KPIs:

1      Streamline processes: reduce the time spent on work arrangement and assignment

2      Minimize errors: lower the error rate in administrative tasks
3      Enhance productivity: increase technicians' task completion rate 
During the initial meetings with the client, we gained an understanding of their needs. As a traditional company, their administrative operations were heavily reliant on manual processes, which were not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. To address these challenges, they wanted to develop a digital platform aimed at streamlining their processes, reducing errors, and enhancing overall productivity. To measure the platform's success in achieving these objectives, we identified the following KPIs:

1      Streamline processes: reduce the time spent on work arrangement and assignment

2      Minimize errors: lower the error rate in administrative tasks
3      Enhance productivity: increase technicians' task completion rate 


Upon learning about the client’s objectives, my initial step was to familiarize myself with the users and comprehend their current work processes.
Naturalistic Observation

One-week observation in the office and two-day field research with a technician to observe administrative staff and technicians’ daily work routine. 


Observing administrative staff members' daily routine


• Focus group: let administrative staff and

   technicians to discuss their workflows and

   share their opinions.

• Semi-structured interview: asked follow-up

   questions and delved into their thoughts and



Employees were sharing their opinions about workflows

Key Insights

01     Administrative staff thought that manually filling out task tickets

         and assignment process were time-consuming.

02     Staff mentioned that forgetting to notify other staff of assignment

         status led to errors in task assignment.

03     Technicians mentioned that calling staff to inquire about previous

         records and report status would often extend the time needed to

         complete the task.


Administrative staff was writing task tickets


Technician was calling staff to inquire about previous maintenance records


01     Shorten the time spent by administrative staff on task assignment

02     Minimize assignment errors to improve accuracy in task allocation

03     Enable technicians to efficiently complete daily tasks as scheduled



Based on the research findings, I created journey maps and personas for administrative staff and technicians to clarify problems and identify design opportunities.
Administrative staff
Staff Journey Map - assign a task.png
persona - staff.png
Technician Journey Map - Complete a task.png


Next, we planned to design this platform, but before doing so, we established the requirements as guidelines for the subsequent design process.
Design Requirements

01     Ensure an intuitive interface to minimize the learning curve for users

02     Streamline task creation and assignment process for increased efficiency

03     Clearly display task assignment status to prevent errors

04     Allow technicians to access task records and report status directly from their mobile devices

Information Architecture of Workflow Management Platform
Guided by these requirements, developers and I began building the platform. We started by designing its structure, which consists of two parts: a backend dashboard tailored for administrative staff to input information and manage assignments, and a mobile app designed for technicians who require on-the-go access from their phones.

Administrative staff



Problem 01
Administrative staff spent lots of time on filling out task tickets and assigning tasks by area for each appointment date.

Repetitive data entry when creating task tickets


Manual categorization of task tickets by area for assignment

Solution 01
When creating task tickets, the system will automatically populate predefined information. Staff can then utilize date picker and dropdown list to select tasks for assignment.
On the backend dashboard, administrative staff create client profiles in the "Client Profile" section, inputting details and assigned areas. In the "Task Planner" section, they create task tickets by selecting client names and options from dropdown lists, with system autofilling details.
These tickets appear in the "Task Assignment" section, where staff can quickly sort and assign tasks to technicians by date and area.

The system autofills task details, saving administrative staff time 

Administrative staff can quickly sort and assign tasks by date and area

Problem 02
Create and assign duplicate tasks due to unclear communication.
Assignment errors occurred when administrative staff forgot to notifying other staff members after scheduling and making assignments
Staff Journey Map - assign a task.png
Solution 02
Synchronize assignment status to prevent duplicate scheduling and assigning.
To prevent such situations, the "Task Assignment" section will provide an overview of all tasks, allowing every staff member to clearly see which tasks have been assigned and which ones have not.
Problem 03
Inefficient communication affected technicians' work progress.
Calling staff to report status or inquire about task records was inefficient and caused delays in task completion
Technician Journey Map - Complete a task.png
Solution 03
Enable technicians to report task status and search task records in the app, with synchronous status updates to the backend dashboard.

In "Home" section, technicians can tap on their assigned tasks to begin working on them. Once completed, they can simply tap "Finish" to report the status. Simultaneously, administrative staff can monitor the task status on the backend system dashboard 


Technicians can go to "Search" section, then choose the timeframe, client and elevator number to find the records they're looking for



After launching this workflow management platform, administrative staff's assignment error rates decreased from 5% to 0%. As the time spent on assignment process declined, their labor cost reduced by 34%. Regarding technicians' performance, their task completion on-time rate increased from 75% to 88%. Overall, it helped both of them spend less time on repetitive tasks and inefficient communication and meanwhile increase productivity at work.

Administrative staff was assigning tasks on backend system and technician was checking task ticket in the app


Technician was reporting task status in the app



01 The importance of onboarding users to app
A good onboarding experience can quickly familiarize users with features and demonstrate how these features can solve their problems.
02 Collaboration with stakeholders
Early engagement and maintaining clear, regular communication channels are essential for effective collaboration across various functions.
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